ScienceOnline09 - Thursday and Friday


ScienceOnline09 is in full swing. I don't have much time and opportunity to go online, as you may have noticed - so many old friends to hug! Already a full day behind us - a lovely dinner at Town Hall Grill last night, Coffee Cupping this morning, Lab Tours in the afternoon (I went to the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences), then a quick run home to see Mrs.Coturnix and walk the dog, then back to Sigma Xi, the Friday Fermentable, the Women's Networking Event and the amazing talk by Rebecca Skloot. An hour at the bar listening to ocean-bloggers singing shanties, then, exhausted, time to go back home and see what people have blogged about it all so far. Check it out:

Thursday, January 15th, 2009:

Thoughts from Kansas: Deep ScienceOnline '09 Thoughts
Laelaps: Almost time for Science Online '09!
Deep Sea News: Out of the Depths, We are Reborn! (again)
Adventures in Ethics and Science: On my way to ScienceOnline'09
The Beagle Project Blog: ScienceOnline09 on my mind
Biology in Science Fiction: I'm Sorry I'll Be Missing ScienceOnline09
The Oyster's Garter: Off to Science Online 2009
Urban Science Adventures!: ScienceOnline09 Conference Begins
Lecturer Notes: SO'09 I've Arrived
Greg Laden: Live Blogging the NC ScienceOnline 09 Conference
Deep Thoughts and Silliness: Arrived in NC
Cephalopodcast: The Invertebrate Wars Redux
Malaria, Bedbugs, Sea Lice, and Sunsets: Science Online 09: A Field Guide
Highly Allochthonous: Coming to America
Skulls in the Stars: Off to ScienceOnline '09!

Friday, January 16th, 2009:

Etherized: ScienceOnline09 Conference in Raleigh, NC
Adventures in Ethics and Science: ScienceOnline'09: Liveblogging Coffee Cupping at Counter Culture Coffee
Gobbledygook: ScienceOnline09: Providing public health and medical information to all
Greg Laden: Live Blogging the NC ScienceOnline 09 Conference
The End Of The Pier Show: Lines Written Over Breakfast, Friday 16 January
Greg Laden: Janie Belle has Entered the Building
Laelaps: Made it!
Expression Patterns: Friday Fermentable Liveblog
Deep Thoughts and Silliness: ScienceOnline09: live-blogging the wine tasting
Bioephemera: ScienceOnline09!
Adventures in Ethics and Science: ScienceOnline'09: Liveblogging Coffee Cupping at Counter Culture Coffee.
Adventures in Ethics and Science: ScienceOnline'09: Liveblogging a Friday Fermentable wine-tasting.
Sciencewomen: Friday Night at ScienceOnline
Pharyngula: Heat wave!
Science After Sunclipse: ScienceOnline'09: The Conference That Rhymes
Thesis - with Children: ScienceOnline'09
Urban Science Adventures!: ScienceOnline09 Conference Begins
Thesis - with Children: Liveblogging - with Wine
Malaria, Bedbugs, Sea Lice, and Sunsets: Science Online 09: The Limitations Of Iconography ScienceOnline09: FridayFermentable liveblogging wine tasting
The Flying Trilobite: Arrival at ScienceOnline '09
FairerScience Weblog: Waiting for the wine tasting
Mistersugar: ScienceOnline'09 is on
Pondering Pikaia: In Which I Venture North for Blog Fun
Endless Forms: In Which I Venture North for Blog Fun

Check the rest here.

Follow the conversations also on FriendFeed, Facebook and Twitter and check out the pictures on Flickr.

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