ScienceOnline'09 - Monday blogging and beyond...


Today, most of the ScienceOnline09 participants are either traveling home or trying to recover. While many managed to blog or liveblog during the conference, as well as discuss the conference on FriendFeed or Twitter and post pictures on Flickr, others have a different mode: taking some time to digest and then write thoughtful summaries later, once they are rested. First of those summaries are starting to show up online and I will keep updating you as others come in:

Highly Allochthonous: ScienceOnline Day 2: generalised ramblings
The Intersection: Echinoderms Emerge Victorious!
White Coat Underground: I believe!
Lecture Notes: Gender in Science Section
Lecture Notes: Gender in Science Section Part 2: personal perspective
Lecturer Notes: Science Online 09
The OpenHelix Blog: ...And Boy is My Brain Tired...
The End Of The Pier Show: Come Out From Under There: We Won't Bite
Space Cadet Girl: For a Good Time, Check out Science Online 09
DrugMonkey: My friends went to sciOnline09 and all I got was...
Adventures in Ethics and Science: ScienceOnline'09: Diversity in science, online and off
10000birds: Stalking the Red-cockaded Woodpecker
The Scientist NewsBlog: New Impact Metric
Digital Serendipities: Reflections on ScienceOnline09
Laelaps: SciOnline'09 and the future of Laelaps
The Olive Tree: Return from SciOnline'09
Scientific American: The Semantic Web in Action
The Olive Tree: Zoo Review: The North Carolina Zoo
McBlawg: Science Online '09 - How was it.... via the internet?
The Island of Doubt: Blogging, slogging and flogging
Nobel Intent: ScienceOnline 09: Nobel Intent gives back
Greg Laden: Where's Greg?
Physics for girls?: Back home from ScienceOnline 09
White Coat Underground: Science Communication 2.0
Counter Minds: ScienceOnline09' Extravaganza
The Intersection: How Many SciBlings Do You Recognize?
Deep Thoughts and Silliness: Reflections on ScienceOnline09
Extreme Biology: Thank You Miss Baker for Science Online '09
Greg Laden: Science Online 09 Sbling Group Photo
Flying Trilobite: Art Monday: airport sketches
The Other 95%: Missed Conference
Urban Science Adventures!: Book Review - Blog Carnival is up
Skulls in the Stars: Back from ScienceOnline '09!
The Oyster's Garter: NOM NOM NOM: Digesting Science Online
Brontossauros em meu jardim: Por uma blogosfera mais madura
Expression Patterns: Evidence
Ideonexus: Science Online 2009
business|bytes|genes|molecules: download, mirror, fork
Greg Laden: Science Online 09
Blogfish: Science Online 09 and the ocean of the unknown
Thesis - with Children: ScienceOnline'09 - The Roundup
Sciencewomen: Snapshots of ScienceOnline09
NICHOLAS INSIDER: from the trenches: Communicating science one key at a time
The Drinking Bird: One closer to 10,000
Ideonexus: ScienceOnline09: Science Fiction in Science Blogs
Bioephemera: Art vs. Science, Part One: Semiconductor
Science in the open: A specialist OpenID service to provide unique researcher IDs?
Open Access News: PLoS ONE will offer more impact-related data on articles
Almost Diamonds: Whither Allies
Terra Sigillata: ScienceOnline'09: megaprops to Sigma Xi and all who contributed
Ideonexus: ScienceOnline09: Science Online - middle/high school perspective
Knowledge Sharing: ScienceOnline'09: Open Access Publishing
The End Of The Pier Show: Impact Fauna
Ars Technica: Science Online 09: moving beyond text
Deep Sea News: LiveBlogging Science Online '09: Open Access
Eclectic Glob of Tangential Verbosity: Science Online 09
Southern Fried Science: Getting a sense of porpoise
Genomeweb blog: At Least We Know Open Access Was a Hit
TalkingScience: For A Good Time, Check out Bloggers from Science Online 09 SO'09: Thank you, please come again SO'09: The structure of a Saturday World Air Traffic SO'09: Designing Sundays
Lab Life: Everything social
Expression Patterns: ScienceOnline09 - Day 1
TGAW: iNaturalist: East Coast vs. West Coast
Ideonexus: ScienceOnline09: The Semantic Web in Science
CIT Blog: What your future students think
Crowded Head, Cozy Bed: Teaching College Science: Blogs and Beyond
Knowledge Sharing: ScienceOnline'09: Video in Scientific Research
Knowledge Sharing: ScienceOnline'09: Semantic Web
Page 3.14: The Buzz: ScienceOnline'09: A Communication Convention ScienceOnline09: How to get rid of the impact factor

Also, help me out here. Both Google Blosearch and Technorati are idiosyncratic - some posts show up very quickly, some with a long delay and some never. If I have missed a post of yours, old or new, about ScienceOnline09, please let me know by e-mail or by posting the permalink in the comments here. It also helps if your post contains the word "ScienceOnline'09" in it and/or the link to the wiki homepage.

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