This morning on the radio - podcast is now online!

Podcast of this morning's radio show is now up - you can listen to it here.

We covered ScienceOnline09, including its history, several individual sessions and underlying themes, the changes in science communication and journalism and more. A brief plug for PLoS at the beginning. Answered a couple of e-mailed questions, including one from Greg Laden (who almost stumped me - had to think quickly on my feet!).

Thanks to Stephanie and Mike for inviting me on.

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And Greg finally gets the attention he has been craving. :) He was a bit nonplussed that one of the e-mail questions mentioned PZ but no Greg.

Next year in North Carolina, Bora. Mazel Tov!

I mentioned this on the show, but it bears repeating. That was the largest number of questions we've received for a show since I started on the program. You were personable, accessible and knowledgeable--everything we always hope for in a guest.

I can verify what Stephanie says, as I've been in the studio a number of times for various shows, and I hear this one was TOTALY HOT.

OpenAccess publishing would make a great MnA show.


We really covered a lot of ground in one hour! The history of the conference, Open Access and what I do at PLoS, what is an Unconference, the diversity of participants at ScienceOnline09, the Facebook generation session (and several other sessions mentioned), advent of microblogging, about the way Web breaks down old power structures and democratizes science, a big shout-out to beloved Zuska, about scientists being or not being atheists, and about the future of science journalism. When Stephanie said something along the lines of me "being one of the more upfront bloggers about the travails of science journalism", Mrs.Coturnix ROFL-ed as she just finished reading my Lawton-smackdown post minutes before we started listening to the podcast ;-)

We had to cover a lot of ground, Bora. You kept answering my follow-up questions before I could even ask them! I'm really glad we got to spend a whole segment on Miss Stacy and her students, though.

And I was really afraid I had broken you when I asked the question about science journalism. Glad to hear it was only Mrs. Coturnix I cracked. :)

Ha! When you asked that question my immediate worry is how to sound reasonable and not too crazy!