Join the North Carolina group on Nature Network

Remember a couple of weeks ago, when I complained that Triangle is too narrow a term for a Hub at Nature Network, as there is really no humongous city where everything is centered but the science is distributed all around the state of North Carolina, with people collaborating with each other and traveling back and forth between various regions of the state.

Well, now, to reflect that situation, the Triangle group on Nature Network was renamed the North Carolina group. If it grows in size, it may one day become a proper Hub. So, if you are in any way interested in science and live anywhere in the state of North Carolina, please register and check North Carolina as your geographical location and group.

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Is there an official group? Or are you automatically in North Carolina just by entering that as your location? This page seems to be driven by automatically indexing locations

I think it is automatic, until we grow big enough to become a Hub. We'll get bigger sooner if the group is not limited to Triangle.