Medbloggers at BlogWorld/New Media Expo '09

Kim is excited:

It's official!

The Medbloggers are now a part of BlogWorld/New Media Expo 09!

Thanks to sponsorship from Johnson & Johnson and MedPage Today, the "Medlblogger Meet-Up" is now a reality.

But it is so much more than "just" a meet-up.

A full day of topics, voted on by the medical bloggers themselves, will be presented, with plenty of time to mix and mingle with our blogging colleagues.

Blog World/New Media Expo 09 will take place at the Las Vegas Convention Center the weekend of October 15-17.

New blogger, established blogger, podcaster or internet broadcaster, there is a place for you in Las Vegas!

Interested in just the Medblogger topics?

You'll want to join us on October 15th, when the Medbloggers will take their place in the premier blogging conference by holding a full day of sessions and meetings devoted specifically to medblogging.

Want to get deep into the heart of blogging as a lifestyle? Ready to take your blog to the next level?

Then you'll want to attend the entire BlogWorld/New Media Expo conference where you will learn from the very best of the blogosphere. If you've heard of them, they will be at the BlogWorld/New Media Expo 09.

The option is yours.

The pleasure is ours.

Please join us!

Registration opens at soon!

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