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Blog Post Of The Month for April 2009 goes to.....


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April was a busy month, so I posted only 145 times. Also, posts that would have been just simple links and one-liners are now more likely to be found on Twitter (from which I import the feeds into FriendFeed and Facebook). Go through the April archives - lots of news and several excellent (or very…
I posted 153 times in April. First, importantly, I again committed scienceblogging in April, with the post Evolutionary Medicine: Does reindeer have a circadian stop-watch instead of a clock?. April focus appears to be Twitter - hence two posts specifically about it: Twittering is a difficult art…
I posted 239 posts in March. The best post of the month, IMHO, is Defining the Journalism vs. Blogging Debate, with a Science Reporting angle which is now slowly accumulating comments as well as links from various places online. My second-best post was the in-depth review of Fiddler On The Roof…
I posted only 128 posts in May - the reason for this reduction in numbers I explained here. Traffic has suffered only a little bit so far, I'll keep an eye. Looking back at the month, I noticed how many videos I have posted: about half are very informative and thought-provoking, the other half are…