Call for articles: User-led Science, Citizen Science, Popular Science

A special issue of JCOM, Journal of Science Communication, has just issued a call for submissions, with the deadline moved to June 1st, 2009:

Science is increasingly being produced, discussed and deliberated with cooperative tools by web users and without the institutionalized presence of scientists. "Popular science" or "Citizen science" are two of the traditional ways of defining science grassroots produced outside the walls of laboratories. But the internet has changed the way of collecting and organising the knowledge produced by people - peers - who do not belong to the established scientific community. In this issue we want to discuss:

- How web tools are changing and widening this way of participating in the production of scientific knowledge. Do this increase in participation consist in a real shift towards democratizing science or on the contrary is merely a rhetoric which do not affect the asymmetrical relationships between citizens and institutions?

- The ways in which both academic and private scientific institutions are appropriating this knowledge and its value. Do we need a new model to understand these ways of production and appropriation? Are they part of a deeper change in productive paradigms?

We would like to collect both theoretical contributions and research articles which address for example case studies in social media and science, peer production, the role of private firms in exploiting web arenas to collect scientific/medical data from their costumers, online social movements challenging communication incumbents, web tools for development.

Interested authors should submit an extended abstract of no more than 500 words (in English) to the issue editor by May 15, 2009. We will select three to five papers for inclusion in this special issue. Abstracts should be sent to the JCOM's editorial office ( by email and NOT via the regular submission form.

You may remember that I mentioned this journal before. Of course, if you look closely, you'll find an article by me, and two articles that mention me in there - all written during or right after my visit to Trieste last year. So, start writing!

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Thanks for pointing this out, Bora. As it happens, I'm organizing a session on "Using citizen science to rebuild ecological knowledge in human communities" at the upcoming ESA meeting in Albuquerque this August. I should now think about writing something for this journal as well.

That is a great collection, Jaya, perhaps you should write a paper for JCOM about it all.