Cartoons, comic strips and original art for the Open Laboratory 2009

In 2006 we did not include any comic strips in the anthology. In 2007, the Evolgen cartoon, The Lab Fridge was included in the book. In 2008, the winner was an XKCD comic, Purity, while original art by Glendon Mellow was featured on the cover.

Many bloggers make original visual stuff on their blogs - they draw, scan in their kids' drawings, play with photoshop, do photography or make art. Let's see some more of that submitted for the next edition. So far, the only submissions in this category are:

Articulate Matter: Proper Lab Technique

The Flying Trilobite: 'Science-Chess Accommodating Religion'...contest!

Piled Higher & Deeper (PHDComics): Great Tweets of Science

Stripped Science: The right pairing
Stripped Science: Catfight

Science After Sunclipse: Where Does Our Information Come From?

Tessa's Braces: Exploratorium

xkcd: Correlation
xkcd: Newton and Leibniz

Let's see some more - just click on the button:



More like this

Here are the submissions for OpenLab 2009 to date. As we have surpassed 300 entries, all of them, as well as the "submit" buttons and codes and the bookmarklet, are under the fold. You can buy the 2006, 2007 and 2008 editions at Please use the submission form to add more of your and…
Here are the submissions for OpenLab 2009 to date. As we have surpassed 300 entries, all of them, as well as the "submit" buttons and codes and the bookmarklet, are under the fold. You can buy the 2006, 2007 and 2008 editions at Please use the submission form to add more of your and…
Here are the submissions for OpenLab 2009 to date. As we have surpassed 300 entries, all of them, as well as the "submit" buttons and codes and the bookmarklet, are under the fold. You can buy the 2006, 2007 and 2008 editions at Please use the submission form to add more of your and…
Here are the submissions for OpenLab 2009 to date. As we have surpassed 300 entries, all of them, as well as the "submit" buttons and codes and the bookmarklet, are under the fold. You can buy the 2006, 2007 and 2008 editions at Please use the submission form to add more of your and…

Thank you - I did not have it tagged as art/cartoon in the original file - thanks for reminding me.

Eh, I did an E-coLOLi one-off back in around March to throw out for some random comment at Fark vaguely connected to Lenski's work. I don't recall where on GIS that I got the pre-LOL pic from, however.

"Correlation" looks a likely winner to me.