WWW2010 - call for papers

WWW2010 is coming to Raleigh, NC next year. This is the conference about the Internet, almost as old as Internet itself, founded by the inventor of the Internet, and it is huge:

The World Wide Web was first conceived in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. The first conference of the series, WWW1, was held at CERN in 1994 and organized by Robert Cailliau. The IW3C2 was founded by Joseph Hardin and Robert Cailliau later in 1994 and has been responsible for the conference series ever since. Except for 1994 and 1995 when two conferences were held each year, WWWn became an annual event held in late April or early May. The location of the conference rotates among North America, Europe, and Asia. In 2001 the conference designator changed from a number (1 through 10) to the year it is held; i.e., WWW11 became known as WWW2002, and so on.

The WWW Conference series aims to provide the world a premier forum for discussion and debate about the evolution of the Web, the standardization of its associated technologies, and the impact of those technologies on society and culture. The conferences bring together researchers, developers, users and commercial ventures - indeed all who are passionate about the Web and what it has to offer.

The conferences are organized by the IW3C2 in collaboration with Local Organizing Committees and Technical Program Committees. The series provides an open forum in which all opinions can be presented, subject to a strict process of peer review.

One of the organizers next year is Paul Jones, the founder and director of Ibiblio.org, a blogger and one of co-organizers of the first three ScienceOnline (formerly Science Blogging) conferences.

The call for papers is now out:

WWW2010, the premier international conference on Web research, calls for outstanding submissions along the following tracks:

* Original and creative research papers, theoretical and/or practical
* "Application and experience" papers involving novel, large, deployed systems
* Tutorial proposals on any topic of interest to the community
* Workshop proposals on any topic that is strongly related to WWW, but too nascent to cover thoroughly in the main conference
* Demonstrations of potentially high-impact, innovative systems

All papers and proposals must be submitted electronically. Please check this site for updated information on the paper submission procedure.

The list of potential topics that are appropriate for this meeting is quite long and varied. The deadlines are pretty soon, so put your thinking caps on and submit a proposal as soon as possible.

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Of course. That's what I get for posting at 8am while rushing kids to school...

I'll point out that this is a computer science conference, and computer science conferences are different from conferences in other fields---they're as important as journals (or they've pretty much replaced journals, depending on who you talk to), and they even have their own impact rankings. Submissions are full research papers, they will be peer-reviewed, and the acceptance rate for this particular conference is below 15%.

Today I got a wonderful email read as follows:
(All those who are against scams, forward this post to related and relevant websites/blogs/forums.)

Dear Researcher,

We have seen your profile on researchgate.net and we pleased to request you to hold the position of Reviewer in the International Journal of Computer Vision and Multimedia.

The International Journal of Computer Vision and Multimedia is a scholarly peer-reviewed international scientific journal published monthly, focusing on theories, methods, algorithms, and applications in computer vision and multimedia. It provide a high profile, leading edge forum for academic researchers, industrial professionals, engineers, consultants, managers, educators and policy makers working in the field to contribute and disseminate innovative new work on computer vision and multimedia.

More information can be obtained from the official website:

You can register using this link. Registration is free!
Reviewers are also requested to send their CV to editor@ijcvms.org.

Researchers holding a PhD can also apply to be part of the editorial team.

We hope to hear from you very soon.

Maria Hollingsworth
Journal Manager

These people are real academic criminals trying to make money out of researchers! They set up a fake journal, populate it with some people's name and release CFP and ultimately their hands goes down to your pocket when it comes to register your papers!! They downloaded OJS which is an open source easily installed app, 10 mins configuration and they are done!

The funny thing is that this guy happen to send me the email from his gmail a\c and just before that I guess he configured his GMail to use the "Send Mail As" option to make it as if the mail comes from the journal domain name host. I simply extracted the header of the mail and got the following:

Delivered-To: {my email add here}
Received: by with SMTP id n15cs31538wam;
Wed, 23 Sep 2009 05:28:13 -0700 (PDT)
Received-SPF: pass (google.com: domain of sameer.pudaruth@gmail.com designates as permitted sender) client-ip=;
Authentication-Results: mr.google.com; spf=pass (google.com: domain of sameer.pudaruth@gmail.com designates as permitted sender) smtp.mail=sameer.pudaruth@gmail.com; dkim=pass header.i=sameer.pudaruth@gmail.com
Received: from mr.google.com ([])
by with SMTP id 29mr2033275agv.25.1253708891141 (num_hops = 1);
Wed, 23 Sep 2009 05:28:11 -0700 (PDT)
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;
d=gmail.com; s=gamma;
DomainKey-Signature: a=rsa-sha1; c=nofws;
d=gmail.com; s=gamma;
MIME-Version: 1.0
Sender: sameer.pudaruth@gmail.com
Received: by with SMTP id 29mt2033275agv.25.1253708890810; Wed, 23
Sep 2009 05:28:10 -0700 (PDT)
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 04:28:10 -0800
X-Google-Sender-Auth: 2dd18ebcc2b231bd
Subject: Request for joining the International Journal of Computer Vision and
Multimedia Services as Reviewer
From: International Journal of Computer Vision and Multimedia Services
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=0016362835f01b9f1004743dd91c

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

sameer.pudaruth@gmail.com is sending the fake emails and also violating someone else identity (thats identity theft), that of Maria Hollingsworth who claims to be the Journal Manager!