ScienceOnline2010 - introducing the participants: SciBlings


Continuing with the series of posts introducing the participants - you can see the whole list here.

A couple of dozen SciBlings will be there, but here are five I picked for today:

Janet D. Stemwedel (aka Dr. Free-Ride) is a Philosopher and a Chemist. She is a Professor of Philosophy at San Jose State University in California and she blogs on Adventures in Ethics and Science and can also be found on Twitter.

Janet is the veteran of our conferences - one of a handful to attend her fourth, and one of only two people who did something - a talk, presentation or session - every single year. I interviewed Janet last year as well.

This January, Janet will do two things - she will give a short Ignite-style talk "Blogging on the tenure track", and co-moderate a session titled "Online Civility and Its (Muppethugging) Discontents".

Christina Pikas is a science librarian and a PhD student in information studies at JHU in Maryland. She blogs on Christina's LIS Rant and also tweets.

At the Conference, also a veteran of these meetings, Christina will moderate a session on 'Online Reference Managers'.

See my interview with Christina here.

SciCurious, the mysterious blogger at Neurotopia will be back this year as well. She can also be found on Twitter and she is this year's Guest Editor of The Open Laboratory, the annual anthology of the best writing on science blogs which hopefully will be ready for sale just in time for the conference.

Read her ABATC interview as well.

David Dobbs is a journalist and writer. He blogs on Neuron Culture as well as on Twitter.

He will be one of the moderators of the session "Rebooting Science Journalism in the Age of the Web"

Paul Z. Myers is a Biology professor at University of Minnesota in Morris and he blogs on Pharyngula. This will be PZ's first appearance at this meeting. He can also be found on Twitter, both as himself and as his blog's feed.


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