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The 123rd Congregation of the Skeptics' Circle is up on Blue Genes - Science news


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It's almost here, and it's almost time! The 123rd Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle is fast approaching. This time around it will be here on Thursday, November 5. That means skeptical bloggers out there don't have much time to get their best recent work to Colin at Blue Genes for inclusion.…
The 123 Congregation of the Skeptics' Circle will now come together over at Blue Genes, in which Simplicio is schooled in skepticism. Sort of. Go. Read. Don't be like Simplicio. Next up to host the Skeptics' Circle will be Beyond the Short Coat. Start getting your skeptical blogging skills wound up…
I never knew that puppies liked logic and critical thinking. I always thought that they liked running, playing, eating, sleeping, and being petted. But, according to Janet Stemwedel, there is at least one puppy who is a budding skeptic, and bad reasoning and gullibility make him sad. She explains…
I really have to apologize to the Young Australian Skeptics. I screwed up. I didn't do my duty as organizer of The Skeptics' Circle. The Aussies provided a bang-up edition of the 122nd Meeting of the Skeptics' Circle, and I didn't even promote it. So I'm promoting it now. Go. Read. Enjoy. Then join…