Woodpecker vs. egg eating Yellow-bellied Puffing Snake (video)

(hat-tip @tdelene @aubiefan on Twitter)

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It looks like a pileated woodpecker. We have those here, but I do not think they are in S. America. Anyone know what kind of woodpecker it is?

If you click on it and go to YouTube (I picked a different version of it than the one tweeted for this particular reason) there is an intelligent discussion in the comments, including about the species of woodpecker.

Magellanic woodpecker maybe?

Someone on YouTube wrote:

"This feisty chap is a Lineated Woodpecker (Dryocopus lineatus). It closely resembles the Pileated species but has white converging lines on its back, while the Pileated's back is all black. The Lineated is found from Central America to Northern Argentina (this video was shot in Brazil), while the Pileated is found only in North America. Both are huge, about 18" beak to tail, so the snake that's invaded its nest is no pushover by any means."

Is that correct?

No, it's a male Crimson-crested Woodpecker (Campephilus melanoleucos). Like the commenter Antpitta says in the discussion, the white spot on its cheek is diagnostic.

I followed a few other comments on other postings of this video, and after looking at reliable birding sites I would agree that it is a male crimson-crested woodpecker (campephilus melanoleucos). What I find quite interesting is that the snake is referred to as a yellow bellied puffing snake. When I researched this snake, the only photos I had came back to this video --- either in video form or in still photos from it. I am not certain that is the snake, although it has somehow been christened as such via the internet.
I'd love to hear from a herpatologist who knows (and can preferably verify via a good source).

aha! I have more information, given a post of the same thing from someone who seems to have more information ---- like the fact that this was filmed in northern florida. And, given it's North american, the bird is a piliated woodpecker. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opPf1PMOYVg

The guide is talking with a Portuguese accent, so I presume he is in the Brasilian rain forest. The bird does not look exactly like a pileated woodpecker, which has a completely black back.