Today's carnivals

I and the Bird #123 is up on Idaho Birding Blog

The latest edition of Change of Shift is up over at Nurse Me

Friday Ark #291 is up on Modulator


More like this

I and the Bird #122 is up on Chuqui 3.0 Change of Shift - April Fools Edition - A Great Collection of Nursing Stories - is up on The Millionaire Nurse Blog The Actual Four Stone Hearth Blog Carnival is up on Greg Laden's blog Friday Ark #289 is up on Modulator
I and the Bird #126 is up on Coyote Mercury. This week's edition of Change of Shift (Volume 4, Number 23) is up at The Makings of a Nurse. Friday Ark #297 is up on Modulator.
The latest edition of Change of Shift is up at The Muse, RN. I and the Bird #125 is up on The Twin Cities Naturalist. Friday Ark #295 is up on Modulator.
Here is a list of current blog carnivals, for your enjoyment: The Giant's Shoulders #5 - The Magic (Blog) Circle! at BodBlack Cat Friday Ark #217 at The Modulator Cento: I and the Bird is at Aimophila Adventures Tangled Bank #118: Yes We Did Edition at STACWDIA Change of Shift: Volume 3, Number 10…