Triangle PechaKucha #3 - registration is open

3rd PechaKucha Night event June 17th!

May 24, 2010--Raleigh, NC - Triangle PechaKucha is pleased to announce their third PechaKucha Night sponsored by Lonerider Beer, Relevance and Yelp!. The event will take place in Durham, NC, on June 17th, 2010, at 7:30 pm (doors open at 6:30). The event is free, but to attend you must register. Space is limited. Go here to register.

What is it? PechaKucha Nights are local idea-sharing events in the 20 x 20 format: speakers present 20 slides for 20 seconds per slide. Slides advance automatically to keep things moving forward at a rapid pace. Anyone can present, but meaningful PechaKucha presentations are the ones that uncover the unexpected -- unexpected talent, unexpected ideas. The key to a great presentation is to present something you feel passionate about. Many people use PechaKucha Night to present their latest creative projects or work.


Jimmy Chalmers (Twitter): The Hive Mind: Lessons from Honey Bees

Justin Gehtland: Doing Well by Doing Good and Embracing your Fear of Failure

Alex Gibson (Twitter): My Crush on Gina Bianchini: Bad Ideas and High Profits

Doug Hughes (Twitter): Under Pressure? Dealing With Life's Stressors

Michael Stewart-Isaacs (Twitter) : Entrepreganda: Emerging Our Country from Recession to Progression

Nathania Johnson (Twitter): We Don't Need No Education: Why the Worst Students are the Brightest Thinkers

Gabrielle Kaasa (Twitter): Love, Life and Friendship: 10 Lessons From My 99 Year Old Great-Grandma

Steven Keith (Twitter): Epiphany Farming

Teri Saylor (Twitter): Advancing Civil Rights in Raleigh: The Face of Modern Activism

Richard Spangler
: The Black Man as Leader, as Told By a White Guy From Connecticut

Mbelu Walton: Heart of Lightness: Paying it Forward in the Congo

Dan Wilson (Twitter): So You Wanna Start a Business

* These events are fluid and social. Lonerider will be serving free beer all night and there will be light snacks. PechaKucha is properly pronounced 'peh-CHAK-cha' and is Japanese for 'chatter' or the sound of conversation.

* Date & Time: June 17th, 2010, at 7:30 pm (doors open at 6:30)

* Location: Relevance, 200 North Mangum Street, Suite 204, Durham, NC, 27701

* Register:

More about the PechaKucha Foundation
Devised and shared by Klein Dytham Architecture in 2003 as a place for designers, developers, and architects to meet, network, and show their work in public, PechaKucha Night now takes place in 226 Cities around the world. To learn more about the global Pecha Kucha organization visit:

"I wonder if the business world will ever experiment with the Pecha Kucha form for meetings. IMAGINE PEOPLE - concise, well-rehearsed presentations in under ten minutes, with plenty of time left for questions. Think it's possible to end Death-By-PowerPoint in such a hip way?" - The Not-So-Ancient Art of Pecha Kucha

"The beauty of Pecha Kucha Night lies in the tension between the chaos of a full-blown party and the politeness of an art school crit, with the snappy pace holding it all together." - Pecha Kucha Nights and Beer: a Sober Guide to Better Presentations

MEDIA CONTACT: Carlee Mallard | | | @pknraleigh

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