In 1996 we were discussing Lott's "More Guns, Less Crime" paper on the firearmsreg mailing list. I've posted my comments on my blog as entries for August 1996.
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This is a long post, so I'll start with two summaries. One sentence summary: It looks as if Lott might have been caught cooking his "more guns, less crime" data.
One paragraph summary: Ian Ayres and John Donohue wrote a paper that found that, if anything, concealed carry laws lead…
Tyler Cowen reacts to the calls from Mark Kleiman, Glenn Reynolds and Randy Barnett for a panel to investigate Lott's conduct:
My first reaction is to suggest that we already have such a panel every time John, or anyone else, submits a manuscript to a refereed journal on the…
skippy comments on Lott's "coding errors". Tom Spencer thinks that Lott's days are numbered. Mike Spenis has written off Lott.
Chris Lawrence agrees that there were coding errors but argues that is easy to make such errors. I agree that such errors are easy to make, but, he did it…
Three recent papers that contradict Lott's "More Guns, Less Crime" theory:
Duwe, Kovandzic and Moody, "The Impact of Right-to-Carry Concealed Firearm Laws on Mass Public Shootings" Homicide Studies Journal, 6:4 pp 271-296 (2002). Duwe et al find no statistically significant impact…
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I can't believe the Lott thing has been going on since 1996... I hope all the people involved will do something special next year, like a 10-years reunion thing...