Anniversary Wishes

Thanks to everyone who sent congratulations on my 20th wedding anniversary. The traditional gift is china, but Tim Blair sent a flame:

Look up "Oh my God I've married an obsessive shrieking hypocrite!" and you'll see a picture of Lambert's wife.


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Obsessive shrieking hypocrite?

Freud describes a phenomenon known as projection. It's a defence mechanism in which people 'project' their own undesirable faults and weaknesses onto another person, in an attempt to rid themselves.

I think that we've just seen a perfect example.

Congratulation on your anniversary by the way. And a big FU to blair for involving your family.

Blair's comment was in extraordinarily poor taste. I think that you are very much to be praised for celebrating the occasion.

By Steve McIntyre (not verified) on 31 Aug 2005 #permalink


Tim 'look another person said it was a plastic turkey' Blair called you obsessive?

Tim 'ohmygod ohmygod look what Margo Kingston is saying about iraq now i need to write about this on my blog!!' Blair called you shrieking?

Tim 'thinks Tim Lambert is obssessive and shrieking and obsessively and shriekingly writes updates about Tim Lambert on his blog' Blair called you a hypocrite?

While Steve McIntyre and I may not agree on some issues, I am pleased to see that we present a unified Canadian front on this topic. I second his comments.

By John Cross (not verified) on 01 Sep 2005 #permalink

Hey, it could have been worse.

Imagine if I'd down something really bad -- like, oh, I don't know, ripped off your whole site because I disagree with your comments policy?

Are we now allowed to call Blair's significant other (male/female/other) a fat biatch? Are we? Or would that be beneath us?

Sounds like you are 'wailing with indignation' TimB. Do you want to keep 'whining' about the website duplication thing, or have you moved on?

Dragging Blair's SO into it would be pretty scummy, so please don't do it. But feel free to mock him for the typo he made in his comment.

A typo on a site that has not only a Preview button but a spell-checker as well.


By The Dark Avenger (not verified) on 02 Sep 2005 #permalink

Blair's comments policy: flatter me, laugh at my jokes and don't upset the rednecks. Or else.

By Andy James (not verified) on 05 Sep 2005 #permalink

So Krugman is shrill, and Lambert is shrieking?
They'd have to be eldritch to drown out your squeaking.