PZ's fan club at the Seattle FolkLife festival?

It was a quiet day at the Seattle FolkLife Festival.


But there were signs that PZ might be lurking about.


At least a few people seemed to think so.


Did they think this guy was PZ in disguise?


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Nah, I wasn't anywhere near Seattle...but I've got family up there, so maybe my reputation has oozed up that way.

It does look like I'll be in Seattle sometime in July, though, so maybe they were just warming up.

False Alarm: no tentacles.

By Tegumai Bopsul… (not verified) on 29 May 2007 #permalink

Hey, I think that gang was at UW last week, too. Apparently they're searching all the obvious locations for PZ -- University of Washington, folk-music festival... Maybe they'll be at the aquarium next?

I was there and consider the sign carriers just part of the funk -- just people being strange and wonderful. Though, as far as I could tell, most of the folks at the festival were ignoring the crazy, sign carrying god people. Who can account for taste?