Sometimes one has to wonder if there are any editors at the WorldNutDaily at all, given the number of what can only be described as bizarre and incoherent screeds they publish on a regular basis. Here's the latest one, by Craige McMillan. It's an absolutely incoherent mishmash that leads from what appears to be a defense of Lynndie England, the American soldier being court-martialed for abusing prisoners at Abu Ghraib (she's the female soldier seen with an Iraqi prisoner on a dog leash in the photos) to something about the feminization of the media to the just plain idiotic claim that "Big Media" (whatever that is) wants Osama Bin Laden to take over America, ending with this statement:
But that is the beauty of leftist journalism: little thought is required. Simply raise "questions," report "misgivings" by anonymous sources, keep the godless leftist faith and repeat the big lie often enough until one more person believes it is God's own truth. When enough of America accepts the big lie and acts out Big Media's fantasies, Allah will rule. Let the beheadings begin.
I think it's time for a new vaguely defined Them to attack - Big Stupidity. If you can detect anything like a logical argument in this ludicrous article, please explain it to me. Oh, and here's the bio for McMillan:
Craige McMillan is a commentator for WorldNetDaily. He is the founder of CC&M, an exciting new initiative to reshape the way America looks at and interacts with people of faith.
But when you follow the link, this "exciting new initiative" turns out to be an idea to have a dental and medical clinic on a boat for Native Americans in Alaska, Washington and Oregon - and the idea has been on hold and out of commission for almost 3 years now! The most recent thing this "exciting new initiative" did was host a prayer breakfast for dentists in 2002. Yeah, that's really gonna reshape how America looks at people of faith, eh? And this article is called a "WorldNetDaily exclusive commentary". There's a reason it's an exclusive commentary - no one else would have published such ridiculous tripe in the first place.
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Rebel against The Big Stupid! I see bumperstickers and t-shirts in the making... it would be fun to get people's opinion as to who they think the t-shirt is talking about...
Rebel against The Big Stupid! I see bumperstickers and t-shirts in the making... it would be fun to get people's opinion as to who they think the t-shirt is talking about...
Excellent idea! I'll cut you in on 25% of the profits. LOL.
Just read that WND piece - "let the beheadings begin"? Now there's a "pro-American" statement if I ever read one. With 'patriots' like McMillan, who needs Al Qaeda?
That column is the sort drivel you find in the "letters to the editor" column of a small-town paper, dressed up in a nice crisp web template like a bum in a new three-piece suit.
'Big Stupid' indeed! Sign me up for a bumper sticker!
Lenka wrote:
That column is the sort drivel you find in the "letters to the editor" column of a small-town paper, dressed up in a nice crisp web template like a bum in a new three-piece suit.
That's exactly what I thought when I read it. It's the sort of incoherent rant that some loony in Ottumwa, Iowa writes to the local paper. How does it get published in a prominent media outlet like that? I think what's going on there is much like what happened with the Alan Sokal hoax involving post-modernist journals - anything that is submitted, as long as it ostensibly supports the perspective of the editors and contains the right set of buzzwords and catchphrases, gets published. For the editors of Social Text, as long it invoked the notion that truth is relative to ideology, it didn't matter how unsubstantiated and silly the arguments were. The same happened here, as long as the conclusion was that liberals are stupid and evil.
I used to read WND until it just got so far over the edge it went from informative to interesting to amusing to disgusting.
A work acquaintance of mine at the time read some of Craige McMillian's stuff. My acquaintance, not exactly a left-winger, said "Syphilic ravings of a lunatic!"
These are my two all-time favorite WND stories. They are about the Saddam-Fidel conspiracy to attack the United States with biological weapons. This conspiracy, so WND claims, may be responsible for West Nile Virus.