Fake or Not: Physics analysis of "Extreme way to shop for groceries"

Here is the video in question:

Looks too incredible to be real for me. That is when I start to question things. Is this fake or not? To answer this, I took a clip that showed a person launching a grocery item over the isle. This was a good shot to look at because it was *mostly* perpendicular to the camera view. I then used [Tracker video analysis (free) tool](http://www.cabrillo.edu/~dbrown/tracker/) to get x-y-time data for the flying projectile grocery. The scale was difficult, so I just guessed that the guy on the left was 5 foot 10 inches. Here is the vertical position data for two tosses.


A few things to notice:
- The plots are mostly parabolic. This is what you would expect from a real toss (air resistance would be small)
- The two tosses have essentially the same acceleration.
- The acceleration of these two tosses is in the ball park of -9.8 m/s2. Yes, they are not right on, but I totally guessed on the scale of the video.

So, from this, I think that shot is real. It is still incredible. Maybe they did this for like two hours to get it right. Maybe they just got lucky. Maybe they used the force and the force is strong in their family.

I was going to add an analysis of how off they could be on their throws and still make the "basket", but I got lazy. Sorry. Maybe I will add that later.

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