Wednesday Whatzits: Haiti, Tungurahua erupts, Martian lava flows and a pile of updates

Somehow I haven't posted a bunch of interesting items collected over the last few weeks, so I need to catch up. A pre-emptive hat tip to everyone who has sent me links or notes that might seem familiar in this post.

Tungurahua in Ecuador erupting in 2000.

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Once more, the tragedy within the tragedy is that the Haiti earthquake does not really come as a surprise for geologists: less than 2 years ago, at the 18th Caribbean Geological Conference, a group led by University of Texas geologist Paul Mann warned of an earthquake of up to M 7.2 right in the area now stricken by disaster:

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That is quite the report, Boris. It is sad to think that Haitian officials might have known that an event like this could very likely happen, but lack any resources to mitigate against it.

Geologists may have warned about the possibility of a quake like this, but now it is a moot point. Thing is, they need help and need it now and it is going to take some time to get the help there. Fortunately, there are several nations who are rising to the occassion to get the help there and that is the bright spot. Since they had very little infrastructure, not much could have been done to prepare for something like this.

Let's all remember them in our thoughts and prayers.

Can anyone else see the Easter Island face carving in that eruption plume (complete with the round stone on top)? :) Obviously the pagan gods are angry about something again...

By MadScientist (not verified) on 13 Jan 2010 #permalink

Yep. I see it now that you mention it, MadScientist. As for pagan gods? I don't believe in them. Cool pic, though.

MadScientist: Maybe they're telling us that old Thor Heyerdahl was right all along in his theory that the Polynesian Islanders came from South America :o)

So Doc, What is the eruption looking thing north and east of of Port-au-Prince/ it sure looks like a lava flow at night.

We noticed what looks like lava NE of Port-au-Prince tonight as well. We are stationed at the airport and had a good view. Big debate among the Soldiers here is whether it is actually lava or not. Don't believe there is an active volcano in Haiti- could it be coming up from cracks that were formed by the earthquake? We would love your insight.

I'm still learning from you, while I'm trying to reach my goals. I absolutely enjoy reading everything that is posted on your site.Keep the posts coming. I loved it