Upcoming conferences.

Hey readers, I don't mean to be nosy, but are any of you planning to be at:

If not, what else is going on that we should know about?

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Alice Pawley is a woman in a man's world, but that's not going to be the case for long if she has anything to do with it. As an assistant professor of engineering education at Purdue University, she knows firsthand the barriers facing women in the hard sciences, so it was only natural for her to…
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Tomorrow I catch a flight to one of Canada's great cities, and one which I have never before visited. My wonderful hosts are the DeSmogBlog and the University of British Columbia, and other than the fact that it's going to be cold and rainy, I'm absolutely psyched. The occasion is the UBC's "…

I'm going to PSA. See you there? You giving a paper? I know, they haven't told us yet...

By John Wilkins (not verified) on 22 Jun 2006 #permalink

On the assumption that they accept my paper, I'll be at the PSA. I am also likely to be at the APA Eastern, since we'll be hiring again this year.