Carnival Roundup

Next Teaching Carnival (higher ed) will be on or after June 16th, 2006 on Raining Cats and Dogma.

First Mendel's Garden (genetics) will be on June 18th, 2006 on The force that through....

Next Pediatric Grand Rounds will be on June 18th, 2006, on Unintelligent Design.

Next Carnival of the Green (sustainability, environment, conservation) will be on June 19th, 2006 on Savvy Vegetarian.

Next Carnival of Bad History (misuse and abuse of history) will be on June 20, 2006 on Frog In A Well[thanks to Jonathan Dresner for updating me on this]

Next Grand Rounds (medicine) will be on June 20th on Psychological Perspectives.

Next Carnival of Homeschooling (homeschooling) will be on June 20th, 2006 on HomeSchoolBuzz.

Next Tangled Bank (science, nature, medicine, environment and interaction between science and society) will be on 21 Jun 2006 on Centrerion.

Next Carnival of the Liberals (lefty politics) will be on June 21st, 2006 on Neural Gourmet (Varkam's blog).

Next Carnival of Education (teaching, educational policy) will be on June 21th, 2006 on Why Homeschool.

Next Skeptic's Circle (pseudocscience, quackery and such) will be on June 22, 2006 on Autism Diva.

Next I And The Bird (birding and birdwatching) will be on June 22, 2006 on The Hawk Owls' Nest.

First Change Of Shift (nursing) will be on June 22nd, 2006 on Emergiblog.

Next Friday Ark (animals) will be on June 23th, 2006 on The Modulator.

Next Carnival of the Godless (religion from godless perspective) will be on June 25, 2006 on Silly Humans.

First The Synapse (neurobiology, brain and behavior) will be on June 25th, 2006 on Pure Pedantry.

First Radiology Grand Rounds will be on June 25th, 2006 on Sumer's Radiology Site.

Next Carnivalesque (alternating between early modern and ancient & medieval history) will be on 20-ish of June at an undisclosed location.

Next Circus of the Spineless (invertebrates) will be on June 30th, 2006 on Science And Sensibility.

First Festival of the Trees (trees) will be on July 1st, 2006, on Via Negativa.

History Carnival (history) will be on July 1st, 2006 at Chapati Mystery.[thanks to Sharon for updating me on this]

The first Encephalon (cognitive neuroscience) will be on July 3rd, 2006 on Neurophilosopher's blog.

Next Philosophy Carnival (philosophy) will be on July 3rd, 2006 on Adventures in Ethics and Science.

Next Animalcules (microorganisms) will be on July 13th, 2006 on Science Matters.


More like this

In chronological order, starting with tomorrow....[under the fold] First The Synapse (neurobiology, brain and behavior) will be on June 25th, 2006 on Pure Pedantry. Next Carnival of the Godless (religion from godless perspective) will be on June 25, 2006 on Silly Humans. Next Tar Heel Tavern (North…
In chronological order so you know how much time you have to write and submit your posts: Next Philosophy Carnival (philosophy) will be on June 12, 2006 on Kenny Pearce. Next Grand Rounds (medicine) will be on June 13th on Haversian Canal. Next Carnival of Education (teaching, education policy)…
Last Carnival of Education (teaching, educational policy) was on NYC Educator and the next one is tomorrow on School Me. Last Animalcules (microorganisms) was on Aetiology and the next will be on July 13th, 2006 on Science Matters. Last Change Of Shift (nursing) was on Emergiblog and the next one…
Here is a selection of some of the writing I've done - Dave. "True Encounters in my Research Career", The Walrus, September 2007 (with Chris Hutsul). (commented upon at The World's Fair) "The Reason Is Math Bush Edit", Science Creative Quarterly, September 5, 2007 "Analyses of the Six Degrees of…

The next Carnivalesque, an early modern edition, will be hosted at The Virtual Stoa (no precise date seems to be set yet).

And it's actually Sharon Howard, who usually runs the History Carnival, who is taking the break for the summer; for the summer the History Carnival is going to be managed by others. The next History Carnival is July 1st at Chapati Mystery.

Nooooo!!! History Carnival isn't taking a break!

The co-ordinator is taking a bit of a break, but there are a couple of folks taking up the reins in the meantime. The carnival homepage has the usual news (and there'll be announcements in various places).

Thanks for providing such a complete list of carnivals.

Oh, I got booted from Kos for a diary about Armando's corporate legal counsel hypocrisy.

I've just started a blog called According to Science and Reason Party, which I will use to occasionally fill out platform planks of an ideal political party. I already have one up about junking the trimester system of abortion and replacing it with a bimester/semester system.