The math limerick.

A real nerd can combine love of math and poetry, like so:

{(12+144+20+3(4)^0.5)/7}+5(11) = 81 + 0

It's a true equation. And, it's a limerick. Read it out loud and you'll see:

A dozen, a gross, and a score
Plus three times the square-root of four,
Divided by seven,
Plus five times eleven,
Is nine squared and not a bit more.

(Actually, since it's not dirty, this might not officially qualify as a limerick.)

More like this

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How about this other one (an old one, but still my fav):

\int_(1)^(3(1/3))(z^2 dz) cos(3pi/9) = ln (e^(1/3))

The integral of z square dz
from one to the cube root of three
times the cosine
of three pi over nine
equals log of the cube root of e.


It's not dirty, but it is gross; so it surely qualifies. ;-)

We'll promise not to sue, if you promise to never, ever, do this again ...

By Scott Simmons (not verified) on 06 Sep 2006 #permalink

The integral of z square dz
from one to the cube root of three
times the cosine
of three pi over nine
equals log of the cube root of e.

Plus a constant.

Plus a constant.

Nope -- it's a definite integral ;-)


Madame DeFarge

Oh, it officially qualifies as a limerick, no question. Check out the Omnificent English Dictionary in Limerick form (its acronym gives rise to the oedilf-dot-com url. You ought to figure out what word your lim could define and submit it. :oD

Here are some more math lims, just to give you an idea (no, I'm not the author -- at least, not of these :oP ):

The relation where p exceeds b
Implies b's never greater than p
(Unlike j = k,
Which means k = j),
So it's antisymmetric, you see.

Using step-by-step math operations,
It performs with exact calculations.
An algorithm's job
Is to work out a "prob"
With repeated precise computations.

And of course, they do try to sneak a little humor in:

If a matrix derives all its actors
From its parent's square matrix cofactors,
It's an adjoint. This knowledge
Was useful in college;
When dating, such facts are detractors.

And this one... well, I tip my hat to the guy who came up with it:

Now I note a verse rendering pi,
Within which the words strictly high-
light, adeptly encrypted,
How to get scripted
This number in digits. Just try!
(Author's Note: This verse can be decrypted to give the value of Ï to 24 decimal places. Simply count the number of letters in each word and you will get 3.141592653589793238462643.)

... I love limericks. I've contributed upwards of 30 to the aforementioned "Limerictionary" myself, but I'm not posting any of them here. (Some of them are geeky, but not math-related. :oP)

2 Biolimerix
Jonathan Vos Post

Some creatures attempt the invisible
we find the chameleon risible
one spots one at times
the way imperfect rhymes
in a poem stand out individual

Though the shell of a poem be bony
the sea-otter, he takes a stone, he
floats to dinner, dressed furrily,
cracks it open, then thoroughly,
eats the meat of the sweet abalone.

19 Nov 1978