Celebratory end-of-semester meme.

The grades are filed! I have officially dodged the bullet of delaying the family's get-away with my incessant grading (since it turned out to be cessant, I guess).

It seems only right to mark the occasion with a meme -- the "seven random things about me" meme, for which I have been tagged twice.

Here are the rules:

  • Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
  • Share 7 random and or weird things about yourself.
  • Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
  • Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here goes:

  1. I have serious doubts about my ability to be random. And that makes me wonder if I'll unintentionally create some pattern in my responses here that discloses some secret about me that, far from being random, goes to my very core. (I've already said too much!)
  2. The best-ever use for this fabulous juicer is to turn halved pomegranates into pomegranate juice. Especially since fresh pomegranate juice seems to lose its freshness quite rapidly. (Drat to oxidation!)
  3. Warm, dry feet on a cold, wet day make me unreasonably happy. (Having my feet be warm and dry, not random people's feet that happen to be warm and dry -- that would be weird!)
  4. I like the idea of Pocky much more that I like to actually eat them.
  5. I do not believe it's cheating to look at the picture on the top of the box when you're doing a puzzle. This troubles my family deeply.
  6. I suspect most people know more car games than I do.
  7. My left foot has fallen asleep.

I hereby tag:
Dr. Signout
And ... the first two of you readers who want to play.

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