Math in Roanoke

First, the good news: I will be attending the spring section meeting of the Mathematical Association of America this Friday and Saturday. The meeting is being held at Roanoke College, and as you can see here, I'm giving one of the Big Shot talks. Lucky me! I'll be talking about the Monty Hall problem. In particular, I will show how you can teach an entire course in probability centered around nothing more than variations on the basic scenario. If you live anywhere near Roanoke, stop by for a visit!

Now, sadly, the bad news. The preparations for the conference, coupled with all of my regular responsibilities, is going to leave me with little time for blogging this week. Regular blogging will resume next week. If you are looking for some way to amuse yourself in the meantime, let me recommend that you go see Grindhouse. Highly entertaining.

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Hey, that's my neck of the woods. I'm at Radford University.

Yeah, and then you'll blog about it, and I'll get all confused and frustrated because I still don't get it. Sigh.

By Jeff Chamberlain (not verified) on 10 Apr 2007 #permalink

In light of your presentation topic, will the audience get to dress up in cheesy costumes?


~David D.G.

By David D.G. (not verified) on 10 Apr 2007 #permalink