Ricky Jay Has a New Show

Happy news from the Boston Globe:

Let's just say that in these days of digital shock and computerized awe, Jay dazzles us the old-fashioned way: with his hands. He last appeared in Boston eight years ago in the Mamet-directed off-Broadway hit "Ricky Jay and His 52 Assistants." On Friday Jay brings his new theatrical work, "A Rogue's Gallery: An Evening of Conversation and Performance," to the Somerville Theatre, and the show marks a number of firsts for Jay - among them, serious audience participation and the introduction of materials from his personal collections (show bills of singing mice; posters of Houdini imitators; images of Jay's grandfather, an amateur magician who introduced Jay to the craft). The way audience members interact with those materials will determine the direction of the performance.

No tricks have been recycled for “A Rogue's Gallery,” which is largely improvised, and four decades into a career, that's no small feat. The muse is still with Jay, 60, mysterious as ever.

Sleight of hand card magic has been a long-time interest of mine, and Ricky Jay is one of the best there is. Go to You Tube and search on his name and you'll see what I mean. I saw his previous show On the Strip in New York and enjoyed it immensely. From the article it sounds like this new show is not so focused on cards specifically, but I'm sure it will be entertaining and informative. If anyone reading this lives in Boston, go check it out!

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