
Check it out!

Of course, now we have to play Indiana. Considering that it was a minor miracle that JMU made it to the tournament at all, while Indiana is among the favorites to win the whole thing, I'm not optimistic about our chances. History is against us, since no 16th seed has ever beaten a 1st seed in the history of the tournament. Then again, everything never happened prior to the first time it happened, so maybe we have a chance after all!

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Wadaboutit? Come on. No sticks. No hitting. Not a sport.

By The Phytophactor (not verified) on 20 Mar 2013 #permalink

Has JMU ever been in the NCAA tournament before?

The last time we were in the tournament was 1994, well before my time. Apparently in the early eighties we played a couple of times, but I don't think we ever made it past the second round.

May the Dukes defeat the Hoosiers, and forevermore establish James Madison University as a huge part of NCAA hoops lore!

JMU will be the answer to the biggest hoops trivia question for decades to come should this come to pass. Would LUV to see this!

If ever there was a #1 seed that would flub up and lose against a #16 seed - that would be Indiana. But since I am from Indiana, I'm not going to be rooting for that to happen.

By Lynn David (not verified) on 21 Mar 2013 #permalink

NC A&T in Greensboro, NC i made the NCAA tournament for the first time, won a game and now faces Louisville. I have no doubt about the outcome of that game.

In 1982 16th seed JMU played eventual Champ North Carolina (avec Michael Jordan) real close in the first round: 50-52. Some day a 16th-seed will win and I will be pulling for JMU to be the first since I am originally from VA.

PS: Also pulling for A&T. Go Aggies.

By Peter Fessel (not verified) on 21 Mar 2013 #permalink

Of all the chess tournaments you've discussed, Jason, this one looks the strangest.

Louisville made 20 steals from NC A&T, so you might say Louisville "stole" the game. Pretty lopsided.

I'm pulling for JMU this afternoon.
