Charlton Heston is dead

Can I have his guns?


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Well, whatever you say about the man's politics, he made one of the most iconic scenes in movie history.

By Aaron Clausen (not verified) on 05 Apr 2008 #permalink

Well, he didn't, Cecil B. de Mille and others did. He was the eye candy. Damn dirty ape.

By John S. Wilkins (not verified) on 05 Apr 2008 #permalink

He was a decent enough actor who did plenty of live theatre after the age of 60 when most Hollywood types are in early retirement, reasonably well-read and politically committed.

Unfortunately, much of his attitudes about gun ownership were shaped by being the victim of crime earlier in life and as he aged he became a one-note johnny on this particular theme. And, it's sad to realize after the fact that his halting, confused and somewhat damning interview in Michael Moore's film came during the earliest stages of Alzheimer's. I don't have much in common with him politically, but he was more than eye candy for much of his career. I imagine a creationist several decades from now interviewing me in my dotage, and I could well imagine how I might stub my toe.

You can have his guns but you'll have to prise them from his cold dead fingers. So I'd wait another few minutes if I were you. And by the way, Damn you, God damn you all to hell!

Technically you have to wait until rigor sets in and he's in the ground, that way he'll be cold enough for you to be technically prying them from his cold dead hands.

As for his guns, I think they should be sold as a collection and the money given to the families of victims of gun crime. THAT would be a legacy worthy of the actor, if not the man.

I think he was a better actor than he was often given credit for and he starred in a number of films that have stood the test of time. He had the courage to stand up for his political views whether they were popular or not and, although unquestionably right-wing, he was not the caricature beloved of the left as an iconic conservative bogeyman. I think Moore's interview with Heston probably did as much damage to Moore as it did to Heston.

He appeared in a lot of films that I have enjoyed. I am sorry he is dead and my condolences go out to Lydia, his wife of 4 years, his family and friends.

By Ian H Spedding FCD (not verified) on 06 Apr 2008 #permalink

Oops! I meant, of course, "Lydia, his wife of 64 years..."

You can have my computer when you can pry the keyboard from my cold, dead hands!

By Ian H Spedding FCD (not verified) on 06 Apr 2008 #permalink

I have discovered a new profession. I shall become a Neoologist; the contemporary version of an Archeologist.

Now, where's that pyramid?

By John S. Wilkins (not verified) on 06 Apr 2008 #permalink

"As for his guns, I think they should be sold as a collection and the money given to the families of victims of gun crime."

Nice poltical statement using his still warm corpse as a soap box.


I have always been of the opinion that Chuck was a bit over the top as far as his acting, but that never stopped me from watching his movies (multiple times, dare I say!)

"Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!"
Soylent Green (duh)

"Just build coffins, that's all you'll need."
Omega Man (Neville was cool, but Matthias was the Man!)

By BobbyEarle (not verified) on 16 Apr 2008 #permalink