WHERE DOES "AMERICA'S MAYOR" STAND ON SCIENCE? Facing Pressure from Conservatives, Among Social Issues, It Would Be Easiest for Giuliani to Move to the Right on Stem Cell Research


The Washington Post profiles Rudy Giuliani's prospects for the GOP nomination. If "America's Mayor" has to bolster his support from conservatives, on which social issues is it easiest for Giuliani to move to the right?

Given his past record as mayor of NYC , it will be difficult for him to shift position on gay rights or on sex ed.Yet it is still possible for him to carve out a position on embryonic stem cell research that would be in line with President Bush's policy of restricted funding." Not only would evangelicals support the move, but adopting Bush's position would also appease conservative Catholic leaders.

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giuliani has the big one!!

By Anonymous (not verified) on 30 Oct 2007 #permalink