Framing Science Talk at the National Science Foundation

Next week, on Friday April 18, I will be giving a talk at the National Science Foundation, sponsored by the National Capital Area Skeptics. Open to the public and NSF staff**, the talk is titled "Framing Science: Conflict and Consensus in Public Communication."

As case studies, I will be focusing specifically on the issues of climate change and evolution, reviewing media and public opinion trends while also contextualizing the relevance of Gore's new communication initiative and the release of Expelled. The presentation marks roughly a year since the publication of the Framing Science essay at Science and I will be discussing some of the reaction to the article.

Location and time are below with more details here.

Friday, April 18, 1 - 3 pm (arrive by 12:45 pm)
Public & Free -- Easy Prior Registration Required (**)

National Science Foundation, Room 375 (**)
4201 Wilson Boulevard, Arlington, VA

**Non-NSF employees must register in advance for a guest badge for this event. By April 16, send an email to (or call 301 587-3827) giving the first and last name of each attendee and optionally their organizational affiliation for their guest badge.

Registered guests enter the NSF building at the corner of 9th St. N and N Stuart Streets by 12:45 pm and show a photo ID to pickup your guest badge; then proceed past security to Room 375 for seating by 1 pm.


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By FishyFred (not verified) on 10 Apr 2008 #permalink