My electoral compass

Several other ScienceBloggers have posted their Electoral Compass results. Jake, Josh, Bora and Greg (sort of) have posted there results. Here are mine....



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Imagine my chagrin, I'm closer to Ron Paul than anybody else. It's what comes when you forget to ask certain questions. Or make certain assumptions. I'll blog about it later, when I get the email I've just sent myself.

Very strange. Very strange indeed. I was placed smack in the middle of the Republican candidates, closest to Mit Romney! I follow the candidates pretty closely, and have looked into their past actions and I would never have thought myself there. I certainly do not intend on voting for Mit.

I have to wonder just how they determined the candidates' positions. By their currently stated views, or by what they have done in the past.

I would have thought myself closer to Ron Paul both economically and socially, though I don't subscribe to his wacky conspiracy theories.

These charts often seem to reflect the makers more than the takers.

I'm as far right as Ron Paul and just slightly more liberal than thou. Close enough.

wait, you're kanadian! wtf are you doing taking the the quiz? those questions were amerika-centric....

To make this useful, look at single issues at a time.

I did click on all the single issues. Didn't move my score around much. I am a pretty hard core libertarian politically, personally fairly socially conservative. None of the top Repub candidates come close to my views.