Repost: A Puzzle

I'm starting to see a light at the end of the tunnel that is grad school. I give it a 75% chance of being an oncoming train.

What this means for you, dear readers, is that in the coming weeks you'll be seeing a lot of bloggy self-plagiarism. I'll kick things off by posting a puzzle/meme I tried to start back in aught-one, which never caught on - probably because back then, we had to blog while navigating uphill both ways on monkey bars, and it's awfully hard to type with your toes.

Lo! Broil a new meme! Smile on cod, tilt silt, follow.

    loft list:
  1. T, doc, no E!
  2. Ms. Wena
  3. Orb

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Easy-peasy! I've got it all figured out. Here's the solution:

Bro, a news me on cod, TT.

a) Silt, foll wollof, T, list lit.
b) Doc Noel, I'm seme!
c) M, we nali orbol.

What do I win?

HP: No prizes until you make the blockquotes work better!