"Why Do You Blog Meme"

I got tagged with a meme by Greg who is trying to track the branching tree of this meme, so go check his post out (especially let him know if you do one of your own). He is also instructing us that the post is supposed to be full of links....

I love blog memes, and I have done many of them, most of which in one way or another reveal "why I blog": Academic Blog Meme, Beautiful Bird Meme, Random Quotes Meme, Silly Blog Meme, Four Meme, Hanukah meme, Zero Meme, Dirty Thirty Meme, Thinking Blogger Meme, States Meme, Obscure-But-Good-Movies Meme, Four Jobs Meme, The Blogging Blog Meme, Year in Review Meme, Browser Meme, Seven Times Seven Meme or many, different, book, memes.

And I was asked the question why I blog (or something related) a number of times, so you can check my answers, e.g., here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here and here.

So, why do I blog?

1. I don't really want to know. Because if I ever learn the real reason, the revelation may be too scary and I may end up quitting blogging. And I don't want to quit. Sounds like an adict talking, doesn't it? Yup, I am a blogging junkie.

2. Because I like being "on the computer". Which means I am communicating with dozens and hundreds of people without having to leave the comfort of my home (or getting out of my pajamas - I really am a stereotypical blogger).

3. Whatever I am doing, wherever I am going, I always have those internal monologues in my head (or sometimes dialogues with myself, but don't tell my shrink). Sometimes they are rants against right-wing ideology or fundie religion, sometimes they are science lectures... And I always think they are brilliant and should not be forgotten. So I save them here (and the process of writing them makes the arguments better - if not, I don't click on "Publish"). In short: big ego and lots of feeling of self-importance.

4. Everything I know about politics, ideology, religion, feminism, American history and geography, writing, online technology and how to critically read a scientific paper, I learned by reading blogs (or by getting pummelled by commenters here).

4. Procrastination, procrastination, procrastination. Is there a better reason?

This time I decided, for a change from my usual practice, to tag some of my SciBlings:

Dr. Signout

....and the first responses are in:
Dr. Signout

Of course, if you were not tagged that does not mean you cannot voluntarily do it anyway. Joseph did.
And so did Tara.


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