Delicious Internet Noms

Photo by Alexandre Duret-Lutz

  • The buzz in the geoblogosphere this week has been about an article in Nature Geoscience on the status of women in the academic earth sciences. I meant to review it here, but haven't had the oomph. Instead, you should join the discussion at All My Faults are Stress-Related, Ten Million Years of Solitude, and The Dynamic Earth. One point that hasn't been discussed much yet is that graduate school in the earth sciences is actually freakishly egalitarian - unlike other fields, we do not see large-scale gender fractionation between the master's and Ph.D. As a Ph.D. noncompleter I was tremendously relieved to hear this, but I still don't know what to make of it - what are we doing right?
  • There's a total lunar eclipse tonight, and it's the last total lunar eclipse any of us in North America will be getting until December 2010. According to NASA, the recent dearth of volcanic eruptions means that this one is likely to be especially lurid.

Carnivals and miscellanea below the fold.

  • Geoscientist Gigapan Opportunity --
    Interested in the scientific applications of absurdly huge panoramic images? There's a conspiracy afoot and you can be part of it!
  • I'd like to see some of you gigapan geologists make stereographic projections of your images, too. They look insanely cool and I'm sure there's pedagogical value in there... somewhere.
  • Oekologie #14 -- the carnival of ecology
  • Feminist Carnival #53 -- The A-Z of the feminist blogosphere
  • Your Accretionary Wedge entries are due on Saturday -- the theme this month is "Things That Make You Go Hmm". Which is an excellent theme and I am looking forward to writing my entry, but freakin' C&C Music Factory cassette showing up during a freakin' formative stage of my early adolescence, freakin' freak augh... yeah. Aa-augh... yeah.
  • Some suggestions on training for the beyond-lab aspects of science -- "Trainees, you think your advisers should know that they should be teaching you how to write grants. Advisers, you think your students should just know that they should go to seminars or that if you think out loud about a particular problem you are experiencing they should just know that this is your way of training them. Screw that."
  • Tactile illusions -- Experiment at home!

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