Delicious Internet Noms


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The Scientiae blog carnival has been soliciting posts for their November edition on "talking to yourself." Zuska brought this theme to the attention of some of us guy bloggers and carnival host Yami at Green Gabbro elaborated as follows: ...the past few Scientiae carnivals have been composed…
When I was a postdoctoral student my supervisor sent me for three or four days to what we participants called "cancer camp". It was a mini-course on the histopathbiology of cancer. We learned to interpret pathology slides, how to look at them, read them, identify cancer in all its various forms…
I completely blanked out on Scientiae for October, so I really don't want to do that again for November. Yami is hosting, and you can find her call for post here. The theme is talking to yourself which god knows I do enough of, sitting home all day with the cats. I mean, don't get me wrong,…
The Scientist wants you to vote for your favorite life science blogs. To get the party started, they asked seven prominent science bloggers to recommend their favorite science blogs. I mean, they asked seven prominent male science bloggers for their recommendations. This is science, after all,…

Just submitted this complaint to the BBB:

This outfit (Eppendorf) has a very gender biased webpage - anti-woman and demeaning to women scientists - as an ad for one of its products at the following website:

It's pretty disgusting, and was first noted on the Green Gabbro Science Blog at…

I am not the above blogger. I thought Consumer Reports used to handle this kind of thing, but couldn't find anything on their website, so I am referring this to you.

Thank you.

Could you elaborate a bit? All I could see was a parody of a boy band music video, so I'm not sure what you are finding offensive. No real innuendo, no intimidation, no power imbalances, just an implication of developing carpal tunnel as a pretext for replacing a few grad students with a machine.

Tala: Actually, I mostly just found it awful from an artistic perspective. I'd watch it again, but I don't want to be earwormed - maybe Silver Fox or someone else could explain what they saw?