Creationism Book on Display in US Gov. Agency Waiting Room

From this blog at, yesterday:

I'm not sure if Secretary of the Commerce Carlos Gutierrez is cheap or cuckoo, but it comes as something of a shock to learn that the controversial book The Atlas of Creation is prominently displayed in the waiting room to his office. Written by the Turkish writer Adnan Oktar (under the pen name of Harun Yahya), the Atlas offers an Islamic version of creationism and blames Charles Darwin for modern terrorism-including the 9/11 attacks.

And today, from the same source:

Richard Mills, an agency spokesman, said in an email: "Apparently like thousands of others, the Department received an unsolicited gift, which was mistakenly displayed in a reception area. We regret this mistake occurred and have removed the book."

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Atlas of Creation is the best book I have ever seen.

I know this book and it offers really important questions to those who think that evolution is a fact. Instead of blaming a book like that, the readers would appreciate a severe discussion about on what is told in it.

By Numan Oztinc (not verified) on 14 Dec 2007 #permalink

"Atlas of Creation" is written by Harun Yahya (Adnan Oktar. The book will provide you with not only such information as what fossils are and where and how they are found, but also a closer examination of a variety of fossil specimens, millions of years old, that are still able to declare, "We never underwent evolution; we were created." The fossils discussed and illustrated in this book are just a few examples of the hundreds of millions of specimens that prove the fact of creation. And even these few are enough to prove that the theory of evolution is a major hoax and deception in the history of science.

Are you afraid?

Creationism is the truth. and evolution is just a hoax, a forgery.

Harun Yahya is the pen name of a prominent Turkish thinker and author whose books have attracted great attention both in Turkey and around the world. In the 1990s especially, Harun Yahya Conferences have been a means of intellectual awakening for many Muslims and non-Muslims alike to awaken from the intellectual illusions of the modern age. In other words, the name Harun Yahya is an invitation to the truth that is so aptly and repeatedly proven by the fossil record and by the exquisitely sophisticated features of all the millions of species on Earth, alive and extinct.

This totally non-profit enterprise seeks only to spread accurate information and remind people of essential ideals. Harun Yahya himself does not reap any financial gain from the more than 100 books he has written. Nor are any profits sought by those who organize conferences, who give speeches and lectures based on his writings, and who plan and open museums around the world, demonstrating the true evidence of the fossil record.

In the same spirit of free information, his Website ( allows anyone to read and download all the books written by Harun Yahya, as well as other materials inspired by his works.

The Conferences of Harun Yahya, The Creation Museum, and this Website seek to recall various crucial facts, which for the past 150 years the public has been led to disregard and even deny. under the influence of the turmoil of the modern age. One of these basic facts brought out and proven again and again is that the universe, all living things. Man himself, and indeed the entire universe are not the products of evolutionthe accidental, accumulated results of blind chancebut the separate creations and artifacts of Almighty God, the Supreme Creator.We are all created by Him, and to Him we will all return. The allegedly "scientific: challenges to this fact for example, Darwinism and other materialistic dogmas such as the theory of evolution are nothing but deceptions, as fully explained in these books and in these conferences.

It is a fact that Islam is spreading with a great velocity all over the world and I think Harun Yahya is the strongest defender and with the help of Allah, he is the reason of this velocity. I'm a Muslim and I've read lots of books written by Harun Yahya, including Atlas of Creation. I am a molecular biologist and I used to believe in evolution, but now, thanks to Allah, i know that i have been decieved for all these years like all other poeple.
I know that there is NO evidence for evolution. Because it is not a scientific theory, it is just an illusion that prevents people from thinking.

Here is a video and a link which might be interesting

with Selam..
Rauf Genc

By rauf genc (not verified) on 14 Dec 2007 #permalink

That book doesn't claim much, it shows only..
WHy would people be afraid to go where the facts are leading to? THe fossils are solid proofs and show that there is no transitional forms, thus there is no evolution. so the creation is the fact. That simple..

By Marcus Eden (not verified) on 14 Dec 2007 #permalink