YouTube Addresses Expelled

But wait, there's more....

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But wait, there's more....
But wait, there's more....
But wait, there's more.... This person has too much access to clip art: Still holding on to your faith? Keep watching...
But wait, there's more.... This reminds me of my first trip to Boston as a non-child. It was with my friend Karl to see his cousin Mark. Mark lived in an area of Somerville that I eventually got to know quite well myself (student ghetto) years later. This was about the time the city was…

The last video (re: FSM) was brilliant!

There are a few of us still out here who are still on dial-up. If you are going to post lots and lots of videos it would be helpful to say something about the video and why you are posting it. At least a few sentences please?

By Oscar Zoalaster (not verified) on 15 Apr 2008 #permalink