Let us pray to dog that this does not happen!!!!

PZ Myers is asking for another poll crashing. So he'll send his 200,000 readers, and I'll send all four of you ....

Should local governmental bodies be allowed to open their meetings with a prayer?



More like this

So here's another one. A West Virginia newspaper poll asks, Should local governmental bodies be allowed to open their meetings with a prayer? You know the answer to that one.
In a recent poll conducted by the widely respected news outlet The Journal, people were asked: Should local governmental bodies be allowed to open their meetings with a prayer? With thousands answering, the results were an astonishing 93 percent opposed! See the results, here.
Oh, boy. As many of you already know, the big AAI conference is taking place in LA at the end of this week — I'll be there! — and they are giving Bill Maher an award. This is a problem. Maher made a provocative movie about religion this year, Religulous, and that's the kind of thing we want to…
I just got a copy of the promotional flyer for my Seattle visit, so here it is. PZ Myers: On Science, Blogs, and Intelligent Debates Paul "PZ" Myers is persona non grata at the Discovery Institute. He was recently booted out of a screening of the film "Expelled"--an irony certainly not lost on him…

I had no idea I was in such an elite group of people.

OK. I voted "no". But doesn't that disallow invoking the Lord of Darkness at a council meeting and inviting him to address those present according to their desserts? A pity, that.

By uncle noel (not verified) on 06 May 2008 #permalink

Since I read both of you, I had to vote twice - once using Firefox and the other time with IE. I feel like I've actually done something without putting forth any effort. I think it's kind of like praying.

Didn't there used to be 11 of us? I feel like I'm shrinking.

By Stephanie Z (not verified) on 06 May 2008 #permalink

I had to vote twice - once using Firefox and the other time with IE.

OMG, if I were evil I could vote a bunch of times. I do some web design so I have most browsers installed on all my computers. I can easily access three computers, via remote desktop, from the front desk at work. :D ::thinks for a moment:: Sorry, five. And I could walk to an additional two. So seven computers via five browsers. ::gets wide eyed:: I have the power.

Eh, it's not worth it. We need to win fair and square.

I think all you have to do is find the related cookie and delete it, then you can vote again. Not that I would do that. But you could do that.

Didn't there used to be 11 of us? I feel like I'm shrinking.

Not at all - that would mean, proportionately, you're growing.

I can see why it should be forbidden. After all, if you invoke Cthulu or FSM, Christians would probably whine about "disrespect" or something. So nobody gets to pray in city council meetings. As a side-benefit, however, nobody gets to decide zoning boundaries in church either.

It sure looks like the poll has been Pharyngulated. It was fun to watch.

Well, due to the way my RSS feed works, and what I read so far, I hit this first, so I voted under your banner. We can still open Government meetings with a meditation on the Sith, correct?