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Linux has powerful graphics tools For the average user or the professional image manipulator, there is a range of OpenSource software that will run on Linux as well as (in some cases) other platforms such as Windows. As discussed earlier, there are two basic kinds of image: Bit mapped and…
Desktop Publishing; Running MS Office; Some Games Scribus is an OpenSource desktop publishing application that runs on Linux and the Mac as well as other systems such as that one from Redmond. I don't use DTP very much these days, but I've played around a little with Scribus. Here you will find a…
This is an archived post from October 2005. It is one of my more whimsical entries, but it does have aserious intent. The recent National Geographic film, title="Official movie website" href="">March of the Penguins, has generated a tremendous…
Ubuntu Linux 15.04 will be released in April. There is not a lot new for the average desktop user in the new release, as far as I can tell. One good "change" is a feature called "locally integrated menus." This is where the menus are, by default, where they are supposed to be, instead of, well,…