Michelle Bachmann is a TOTAL NUTCASE!!! Do you hear me???? Total. Nutcase!

Uffda. Sorry world. We'll try to get her unelected, OK?

Hat tip PZ Myers


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"We don't see the beneficial breakthoughs in science with stem cell research..."
Now I wonder why?

Come to California and see. Ya dipstick.

By Bill the Cat (not verified) on 13 Sep 2008 #permalink

Oh, I hate her so much.

/resident of MN 6th District
//My mother even donated to Patty Wetterling last time around, and she (my mom) lives in New Hampshire
///vote Tinklenberg, please

Wow. She is, isn't she?
She comes across sort of herky-jerky -- like a robot. Maybe it's my connection speed. Or maybe she really is a robot. An alien robot ... who was sent here to destroy our world.