Elwyn Tinklenberg for Congress in MN #6!!!!

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Even if you do not live in MN 6th district, you must CLICK HERE and send money to Tinklenberg's campaign.


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Michele Bachmann is a great fundraiser…for Democrats. Since that creepy video of her calling everyone who isn't a rightwingnut "anti-American" has spread all over, money has been pouring into the Elwyn Tinklenberg campaign. Check out Tinklenberg's ActBlue page: he has received over $100,000 since…


Your candidate started of a bit to Gramps like ... thus my expectations began at a low level. However, once he got in the groove I was quite enamored!

I'd like to see more candidates like him on both sides of the aisle.

Once I played the 2nd video this Floridian's contribution was assured. $100 to Tinklenberg for 2008.

Sure, I like Elwyn in contrast to Michelle, but one of the frustrations on campaigning in the northern burbs is that he, and others are distancing themselves from Franken in order to avoid alienating themselves from the moderates who are buying into the "Franken is a Meanie" campaign by Coleman and certain shortsighted Democrats (one of them having been my own Congresscritter.)

I understand the politics of it, but it sure bugs me.

It's been a flurry, and I apologize to Greg's readers for doing that. I just got caught up in the contest. I am sure that there will be an announcement shortly and I would like to hope that the millionth comment on ScienceBlogs (however they ended up determining the count) was brilliant and deserving of the honor.