Turns out McCain IS George Bush after all.


McCain is Bush, Palin is Cheney. Another for years of that crap? I sincerely hope not...

"McCain is Bush, Palin is Cheney."

No, McCain is Bush, and Palin is also Bush. Palin is even more Bush than McCain.

"McCain is Bush, Palin is Cheney."

No, McCain is Bush if Bush actually served in the military and went to 'Nam.
Palin is definitely not Cheney. She does share a lot of Bush's faults. I mean, here's a woman that compares herself to a dog.

Cheney is twice as smart (and therefore four times as dangerous) as all three of them put together.

Bush was actually propped up by a smart (if devious) team. The people propping up McCain and Palin are stupid "true believers". Cheney et al manipulated the racist/fundie/zealot crowd for their own purposes.

McCain and Palin are themselves zealots drawn right from that crowd. Neither one of them has a freaking clue of how to do the jobs they are campaigning for.