If I could make a video about Michele Bachmann, it would be this one

Thank you Susan.

... but it is going to be a long time before I get that song out of my head.... What's the word? Tinklenberg! What's the word? Tinklenberg!

Oh, and while we are on the subject of Michele Bachmann, have you seen her latest ad? Her ad is so freakin' dumb that I'm posting it here as an ANTI-MICHELE BACHMANN thingie:

I may get my words wrong, but I just played this ad for Amanda and she puked on the couch.

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Q: What's the word?

Awesome! I loved that first video. As for the second one, I was going to send it to you early on before it was on YouTube, but there was no good link other than a bad, grainy video. After that, I figured "He'll find it and reach the same conclusion I did."

A: Tinklenberg!

The eyes. It's like she's plugged into a dynamo of stupid.

I want to see an anime treatment - "Cretin Witchhunter B" anyone?

Yeah, she wants liberty. Except for brown people.

Fascist twit.

"I'm Michele Bachmann and I've got nothin'..."

By MercurianFerret (not verified) on 26 Oct 2008 #permalink