Happy Birthday The Origin of Species!!!!

This is the 150th anniversary of the publication of the Origin of Species. I will be posting Darwin related items all day.


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This story, if true, is rather sad. 2009 will be a major date for evolutionary biology, both the 200th anniversary of Darwin's birth, and the 150th of the publication of the Origin (note to self: must publish earth-shaking treatise on 50th birthday to make future commemorations simpler*.)…

Seriously? Nice pictures, but can't we tell a better story than that?

Arguably the most influential book of science ever, Origin of Species is still a great read. (Galileo's A Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems comes a distant second, but is also worth reading.)Darwin not only deduced the engine of evolution from what was then scanty and uncertain evidence, but he worked out its applications in fields that would not develop for another century -- such as evolutionary psychology. And yet, in contrast to Einstein, every word of Origin of Species is comprehensible to a lay person. Truly a work of humble genius. Congratulations, Mr. Darwin, wherever you are!

(And thank you, Greg Laden, for pointing out a date that deserves celebration.)

-- Clay