OMG, Cognitive Daily is No More!

Cognitive Daily, the blog, is one of the blogs that made science blogs (both in general and at a legitimate, valid enterprise instead of a bunch of random jackasses screwing around on the Internet. Like a nice hat on a man who could be part scoundrel or a great pair of shoes on a woman with ill intention, Cognitive Daily made the rest of us look ... valid. Like we shouldn't be taken off the air. Like we had a reason to call ourselves important.

But Cognitive Daily is now gone. Greta and Dave wrote their last post today, just a few minutes ago.

Crap. Now what are we going to do? And you think I'm joking but I'm not.

WTF. Go say good-bye.

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What are we going to do? We're going to trundle on over to and sign up there.

At least, that's what I did.

My screensaver is the peer-reviewed scienceblogs RSS feed. I like it. However, the point that that blog will be missed is a good one.

By Marion Delgado (not verified) on 20 Jan 2010 #permalink