Health Care Debate Slapdown on C-Span Two Point Oh!

A preview.

Hat tip: Chuck Todd

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This is very interesting. Have a look at the PDF, I'd love your opinion. Hat tip: Chuck Todd.
Hat tip: Todd.
A controversial ministry that says it preaches Christian doctrine in public schools held a fundraiser in Bloomington Thursday night, drawing a crowd of about 400. At its "Appeal to Heaven" fundraiser, You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International offered attendees a preview of its new documentary,…
In fact ... Linus Torvalds can run kill -9 and kill Chuck Norris. Linus Torvalds doesn't die, he simply returns zero. Linus Torvalds runs Linux on his wristwatch and toaster. There is no theory of probability, just a list of events that Linus Torvalds allows to occur. In the tradition of PZ Myers…

Hah! Reminds me of Powerthirst advertisements.

By Left_Wing_Fox (not verified) on 24 Feb 2010 #permalink