PZ Myers Expelled, Gains Sainthood

... the anniversary. Check it out.

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There are lies, damn lies and statistics. Last week, the newspapers were filled with stories about rising divorce rates. It was widely reported that couples that married in the 1970's had a less than even chance of celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. But those statistics were misleading.…
Julia is over at her mom's house this morning, so she called and wished Amanda and me a happy anniversary. So it is confirmed! Today is our anniversary! Happy Anniversary to us!
Albert Einstein finished up his General Theory of Relativity in November, 1915, 100 years ago. Because we use Base 10, this is significant. General Relativity ties together curvature in spacetime with the energy and momentum of matter and radiation. This has a lot to do with gravity. Einstein…

Oh, glad someone is paying attention. I really do wish something exciting like this would come up again but it really does seem they lost a lot of their steam.