Dear God, I Apologize for being a Liberal Democrat

Keep an eye out for Bond Action. Very scary stuff.

Thanks, Uncle Bob, for sending me this.

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yay.....people read my emails! :)

I couldn't contain myself. That was one of the most insane interviews I've ever watched.

By Uncle Bob (not verified) on 31 Mar 2010 #permalink

I got news for ya, Chachi, God was probably just in a good mood that day. Don''t assume the Big Guy Upstairs will forgive YOU for that - it's a way worse sin than making a mistake with some deaf boy.

Besides, He knows the difficulty black men have thinking for themselves, so He judges them far more leniently.

The liberal plantation hates it when its black vote-slaves escape and are free, proud, strong and independent enough to admit that black people are dependent, amoral and lazy.

This is exactly like Ann Coulter admitting women should not vote. It takes courage to say "I should be disenfranchised." And it's a courage that's been in short supply around this country since the War between the states.

By Marion Delgado (not verified) on 31 Mar 2010 #permalink

The Reverend and the Bond organization probably do some good, actually. Ironically, that's negated when he is used in a public forum. Cenk did a good job talking with him.

By Marion Delgado (not verified) on 31 Mar 2010 #permalink

Keep an eye out for Bond Action. Very scary stuff.

Very scary stuff?

What is so very scary about it Greg?

By Bill James (not verified) on 01 Apr 2010 #permalink

What an ignorant, stupid delusional piece of crap this guy is. Jesse Lee Peterson is completely evil.

By NewEnglandBob (not verified) on 01 Apr 2010 #permalink

What an ignorant, stupid delusional piece of crap this guy is. Jesse Lee Peterson is completely evil.


Jesse Lee Peterson is completely evil?

An "ignorant, stupid delusional piece of crap" according to you?

Sounds like you have worked up a good case of hate, Bob.

What is it... you just hate Niggers?

Or do you just hate Christians?

Or is it his Conservative viewpoint?

Or is it the magic combo that creates the more complete Evil in your mind Bob?

You hate the "Ignorant, Stupid Delusional Piece of Crap" Jesse Lee Peterson because he is an Evil, Conservative Christian Nigger?


Or maybe you don't like the Evil that is an "Ignorant, Stupid Delusional Piece of Crap" Jesse Lee Peterson helping troubled young black men rise above their circumstance?

You wish to keep the Niggers down Bob?

You don't get your overriding self important helping hand feel good endorphin buzz with assured regularity without having the downtrodden to uplift into perpetuity?


This is starting to sound like a perfectly Wunder-Fool Gliberal Paradox... Bob.

Perhaps you misspoke. Yes, you called Jesse Lee Peterson a completely evil, ignorant, stupid delusional piece of crap, but didn't actually intend for anyone to deduce that you consider Jesse Lee Peterson a completely evil, ignorant, stupid delusional piece of crap in fact. All this on the basis of warped and twisted NewEnglandBob reasoning, whatever that might be?

Maybe you just wished to garner Greg Ladens favor and bolster your feathered cred by being the team parrot with a louder squawk. Was that it Bob?

Or maybe this is just NewEnglandBob being his natural self in tipping up as every days first and foremost joke, this just happening to be April first.

"Oh Bob, that's so funny what with 'you' calling Jesse Lee Peterson a completely evil, ignorant, stupid delusional piece of crap."

So now piss ant Bob can whine about my misrepresentation of its hate and how it actually loves our Black brothers with exception granted for this one and a few others like Bill Cosby, Thomas Sowell or Walter Williams. I strongly suspect Bobs head would explode in blind psychotic rage at the mere mention of Alan Keyes.

Of course this is just Bob being Bob and not taking rejection well, along with his inability to conceptually grasp that unfettered socialized gliberalism has not only done African Americans few favors but has actually caused lasting damage within that community. So when calls go out for Bob to quit punching his personal joy button while fisting his gliberal gland at the expense of others, Bob with his well manicured monkey of White guilt astride for the ride, will start chattering exceptions while throwing shit at the walls in withdrawals.

Sorry Bob. You and your feelings are not all important.

So what's left, Theism? You hate his Christianity? You hate all Christians? You hate their beliefs? You hate his beliefs in particular? Certainly you hate enough to call Jesse Lee Peterson a completely evil, ignorant, stupid delusional piece of crap.

Well Bob, using your gliberal sensibilities, such that they are, perhaps you might explain just how and why the African American community came to embrace Christianity which you hate so much, and then go on the explain why you blame and hate them for it. Now I understand todays focus of your hate is Jesse Lee Peterson and can surmise the source of your intolerance being the diversity of his ideology not suitably aligned with your own, but does this not set up yet another paradox in applied gliberalism?


It will be interesting to read your explanation into why you consider Jesse Lee Peterson a completely evil, ignorant, stupid delusional piece of crap. At least any explanation that isn't replete with the intellectual malfeasance you have demonstrated to date. This of course assumes you are not simply sucking Laden.

By Bill James (not verified) on 01 Apr 2010 #permalink

Well, Bill, at least if Bob is sucking someone, he's being social about it. Your comment is pure masturbation.

Peterson is an "evil, ignorant, stupid delusional piece of crap" for blaming black men for not succeeding in a society that doesn't give them the opportunity to succeed. I'm sure, of course, that most black men would really rather spend their time in prison than spending time with their children, rather hang out and be sneered at than work. It's really all about them.

The joke here is not in Bob's comment.

Bill, there is something bizarre on this, you are accusing bob of being racist because he doesn't agree with the black minister that says blacks are inherently immoral and lazy.....

I'm not sure how that computes in your world. If you don't think blacks are immoral and lazy by default, you are racist?

There is no defense possible of what this guy said in this interview, and I don't care what your political position is. He is a contradiction by his own words, assuming he deserves some special free pass because he is black, speaking for blacks.

I just don't see how anyone could defend what he says. Every argument he makes is factually absurd. Blacks are lazy? Fine. But by his own admission, black unemployment is only at 15%. When confronted with those numbers....IE, 85% are working, his lame defense was "I don't know what those other 85% are doing...."

That was his defense of "most" blacks are sucking off the government tit.

Its beyond absurd.

By Uncle Bob (not verified) on 01 Apr 2010 #permalink