Americans, this could be your future

... if you don't act now.

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I don't remember who said it, but it was in reference to Palin running for president in 2012. "About 20% of republicans support the idea of Palin being the nominee. 100% of democrats support the idea."

Bachmann is just icing on the cake. Bring it.

By Uncle Bob (not verified) on 09 Apr 2010 #permalink

I would welcome that future. Is there any ticket that could be defeated with less effort?

I think that if things reach that stage 2 years from now, that the US won't be worth living in anymore if it got anywhere in getting any percentage of the vote. What--are people that crazy that they would consider such a ticket? There is a very dangerous--VERY dangerous--anti-intellectual streak in some people in this country that doesn't bode well for any future worth a damn. To think about actually electing someone with the amount of stupidity and ignorance that either of these women possess is a dangerous way to think. There are already far too many people in the US who don't believe in evolution, who believe that "God" created the universe in 6 days (how he created flora before he created the sun, I'm not sure!) and about how the apocalypse is surely to come in their lifetime, that I have to wonder what's next.

I enjoy some self-esteem in thinking that I have strong native intelligence, but there is a part of me that wonders how the US can retain its superpower presence in the world with morons, idiots and stupid people running things. I hope I never live to see that future happen. And yes, you're right--it could happen, and that is the sad thing.

PS: If 8 tears of Jr. didn't help cure the stupids of electing an idiot, I don't know what will. I can hope that some people come to their senses long before they go to vote in the next presidential election.

I would be for the idea for the comic factor, but I think there's a real danger of a shooting war if you put those two fundamentalist demagogues on that stage. It's just too fucking dangerous.

By Equisetum (not verified) on 09 Apr 2010 #permalink

I think it would be funny how all of the conservative women would feel like "feminists" for supporting such a ticket. Overton, what have you wrought?

I don't think Republican men would allow this. Batman and Robin (f) ok, but Batwoman and Robin (f), no

By Eddie Janssen (not verified) on 10 Apr 2010 #permalink

Palin-Bachmann would be a dream ticket no doubt and never to early to start lining up possible Cabinet positions. Ann Coulter would have to be a front runner for Secretary of State. Then we could have White House Press Secretary Rush Limbaugh etc, etc...

By Bill James (not verified) on 10 Apr 2010 #permalink

bachmann is (gasp!) mistaken, thinking that palin "broke the barrier" by becoming a woman vp cadidate. i believe Mondale and Ferraro have the "break the barrier" distinction, over 2 decades ago.