Vatican continues to evade justice

Despite protestations to the contrary, The Vatican, the Church, and various and sundry governments and prosecutors and state attorneys, with the press watching and rarely complaining, continuously believe and occasionally assert, and always, always act as thought it is true, that the church has a special status that allows it to circumvent the law, and where necessary, blame victims.

From a BBC piece in reference to charges being brought against yet another Catholic priest:

The Roman Catholic Church in Italy has admitted that about 100 cases of paedophile priests have been reported to church authorities during the past 10 years.

But it is not known how many priests in the country have subsequently been defrocked under canon law - or how many have been prosecuted by police.


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...has admitted that about 100 cases of paedophile priests have been reported to church authorities...

The problem is that the victim's families report it to churh authorities in the first place, instead of going straight to the police. Of course that doesn't always help either but it should be the default.


"his supporters say he has been the most pro-active pope yet in confronting abuse."

Hooray! Compared to previous popes, who have done bugger all, he's done an infinite amount more (if my maths doesn't lead me astray). That clearly makes him a living saint. Not.

The problem is that the victim's families report it to churh authorities in the first place, instead of going straight to the police

That makes the victim's families accessories after the fact, and conspirators on the crime. So the victim gets victimized by his family too.

Szwagier: Yeah, I think he was the guy in charge of the cover up before he became the guy being covered up.

Good point, Greg. Somehow I'd forgotten that. Sorry. He does appear to have changed his mind somewhat since, though. I'm not excusing or defending him, by the way, I'm just pointing out that he's the first big white pappa that I know of to actually talk - even if it is only talk - about bringing these perverts to justice.